pylag.interpolation module

Interpolators and interpolation helpers


interpolation is implemented in Cython. Only a small portion of the API is exposed in Python with accompanying documentation.

class pylag.interpolation.CubicSpline1DInterpolator

Bases: Interpolator

Cubic spline 1D Interpolator

This class contains methods that perform cubic spline 1D interpolation.


n_elems (int) – The number of points at which data are defined. This is used to create data arrays of the correct size, which are later used for the interpolation.

class pylag.interpolation.Interpolator

Bases: object

An abstract base class for interpolation schemes

The following method(s) should be implemented in the derived class:

  • meth


  • meth


  • meth


class pylag.interpolation.Linear1DInterpolator

Bases: Interpolator

Linear 1D Interpolator

This class contains methods that perform linear 1D interpolation.


n_elems (int) – The number of points at which data are defined. This is used to create data arrays of the correct size, which are later used for the interpolation.

pylag.interpolation.get_euclidian_distance(DTYPE_FLOAT_t x1, DTYPE_FLOAT_t y1, DTYPE_FLOAT_t x2, DTYPE_FLOAT_t y2) DTYPE_FLOAT_t
pylag.interpolation.get_interpolator(config, n_elems)

Interpolator factory method

  • config (ConfigParser) – Configuration object.

  • n_elems (int) – The number of points at which data is defined. Used when allocating memory to the interpolating object.

pylag.interpolation.get_linear_fraction(DTYPE_FLOAT_t var, DTYPE_FLOAT_t var1, DTYPE_FLOAT_t var2) DTYPE_FLOAT_t
pylag.interpolation.interpolate_within_element_wrapper(vector[DTYPE_FLOAT_t] val, vector[DTYPE_FLOAT_t] phi)
pylag.interpolation.linear_interp(DTYPE_FLOAT_t fraction, DTYPE_FLOAT_t val_last, DTYPE_FLOAT_t val_next) DTYPE_FLOAT_t