pylag.configuration module

PyLag runtime configuration options are set in a dedicated run configuration file, which typically has a name like “pylag.cfg”. The run configuration file is formatted for configparser, which is used here to read in the configuration file. A object of type ConfigParser is saved as a module level variable with a reference returned to the caller. This structure allows the same ConfigParser to be passed to all PyLag objects that use information within the PyLag configuration file during class initialisation.


Get the run config

When called for the first time, the config file name must be provided. It will then be opened and parsed using configparser. The resulting ConfigParser is saved as a private, module-level variable. Subsequent calls to this function can be used to obtain a reference to the ConfigParser.


config_filename (str or None, optional) – The name of the run configuration file including its full or relative path. This is only optional if the ConfigParser has been created during a previous call to get_config.


_config – The ConfigParser.

Return type



RuntimeError – Tried to call get_config for the first time without a file name.