Source code for pylag.restart

Restart module that provides the following functionality:

1) Writing of model restart files

The reading of restart files is implemented in ``.

import os
import logging
import numpy as np
from netCDF4 import Dataset, date2num

from pylag.data_types_python import DTYPE_INT, DTYPE_FLOAT
from pylag import variable_library
from pylag.exceptions import PyLagValueError, PyLagRuntimeError

[docs]class RestartFileCreator(object): """ Restart file creator Objects of type RestartFileCreator manage the creation of model restart files. Parameters ---------- config : ConfigParser Configuration obect. """ def __init__(self, config): # Configuration object self._config = config # The directory in which restart files will be created self._restart_dir = self._config.get("RESTART", "restart_dir") # Read in the coordinate system coordinate_system = self._config.get("SIMULATION", "coordinate_system").strip().lower() if coordinate_system in ["cartesian", "geographic"]: self.coordinate_system = coordinate_system else: raise PyLagValueError(f"Unsupported model coordinate system " f"`{coordinate_system}'") if not os.path.isdir(self._restart_dir): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Creating restart file directory {self._restart_dir}.") os.mkdir(self._restart_dir)
[docs] def create(self, filename_stem, n_particles, datetime, particle_data): """ Create a restart file Restart files will be created in the directory `restart_dir`. The following file naming convention is used: <restart_dir>/<filename_stem> The time stamp is obtained from the supplied datetime parameter. All the particle data that is required to restart the model should be provided in the dictionary `particle_data`. This allows for a completely generic structure. Parameters ---------- filename_str : str The file name stem, as explaing above (e.g. `set_1`). n_particles : int The total number of particles. datetime : Datetime Datetime object corresponding to the current date and time. particle_data : dict Dictionary containing particle data. """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Compute the time stamp time_stamp = datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S') # Construct the file name from the filename stem and time stamp file_name = f'{self._restart_dir}/{filename_stem}_{time_stamp}.nc' # Open the restart file for writing"Creating restart file {file_name} at " f"time {time_stamp}.") nc_file = Dataset(file_name, mode='w', format='NETCDF4') # Variable names variable_names = particle_data.keys() # Create coordinate variables etc. self._create_file_structure(nc_file, n_particles, variable_names) # Save the current time nc_file.variables['time'][0] = date2num(datetime, units=nc_file.variables['time'].units) # Save variable data for var_name in variable_names: if var_name in ['x1', 'x2', 'x3']: var_name_key = variable_library.get_coordinate_variable_name( self.coordinate_system, var_name) else: var_name_key = var_name nc_file.variables[var_name_key][0, :] = particle_data[var_name] # Close the file nc_file.close() return
def _create_file_structure(self, nc_file, n_particles, variable_names): """ Create NetCDF dimension and particle data variables Parameters ---------- nc_file : NetCDF4.Dataset The restart dataset n_particles : int The number of particles variable_names : list[str] List of variables names to be saved """ # Compression options for the netCDF variables. ncopts = {'zlib': True, 'complevel': 7} # Global attributes nc_file.title = 'PyLag restart file' # Create coordinate dimensions nc_file.createDimension('particles', n_particles) nc_file.createDimension('time', 1) # Add time variable time = nc_file.createVariable('time', DTYPE_INT, ('time',)) time.units = 'seconds since 1960-01-01 00:00:00' time.calendar = 'standard' time.long_name = 'Time' # Add particle variables for var_name in variable_names: if var_name in ['x1', 'x2', 'x3']: var_name = variable_library.get_coordinate_variable_name( self.coordinate_system, var_name) data_type = variable_library.get_data_type(var_name) units = variable_library.get_units(var_name) long_name = variable_library.get_long_name(var_name) var = nc_file.createVariable(var_name, data_type, ('time', 'particles',), **ncopts) var.units = units var.long_name = long_name return