Source code for pylag.processing.utils

PyLag utility functions

from __future__ import division, print_function

import numpy as np
import datetime
import glob
from natsort import natsorted, ns

[docs]def round_time(datetime_raw, rounding_interval=3600): """Apply rounding to datetime objects Rounding is sometimes required when simulation times are written to file with limited precision. Parameters ---------- datetime_raw: List, Datetime List of datetime objects to which rounding should be applied rounding_interval: int, optional No. of seconds to round to (default 3600, or one hour) Returns: -------- datetime_rounded: List, Datetime List of rounded datetime objects """ datetime_rounded = [] for dt in datetime_raw: seconds = (dt - dt.min).seconds rounding = (seconds + rounding_interval/2) // rounding_interval * rounding_interval datetime_rounded.append(dt + datetime.timedelta(0,rounding-seconds,-dt.microsecond)) return np.array(datetime_rounded)
[docs]def get_time_index(dates, ref_date, tol=60): """ Get array index that best matches ref_date Parameters ---------- dates : ndarray, Datetime ref_date : Datetime """ for idx, date in enumerate(dates): if abs((date - ref_date).total_seconds()) < tol: # i.e. to within a minute return idx raise RuntimeError('Date not found:'.format(ref_date))
[docs]def get_grid_bands(array_in): """ Return grid bands for data on a regular 1D grid Parameters ---------- array : 1D NumPy array 1D array of regularly spaced data Returns ------- : 1D NumPy Array 1D array with size len(array) + 1, corresponding to the grid edges """ if len(array_in.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Expected 1D array') n_data_points = array_in.shape[0] dx = array_in[1] - array_in[0] array_out = np.empty((n_data_points + 1), dtype=array_in.dtype) array_out[:-1] = array_in - dx/2. array_out[-1] = array_in[-1] + dx/2. return array_out
[docs]def get_file_list(data_dir, file_stem): """ Get sorted file list Parameters ---------- data_dir : str The directory containing the files. file_stem : str The part of the file name that is common to all output files. For example, if ensemble outputs are stored in the files ``, `` etc, then the file_stem could be `pylag_`. """ file_names = natsorted(glob.glob("{}/{}*.nc".format(data_dir, file_stem)), alg=ns.D) if len(file_names) == 0: raise ValueError("Failed to find any output files matching the " "string `{}' in the directory `{}'.".format(file_stem, data_dir)) return file_names