Source code for pylag.processing.plot

PyLag plotting functions

from __future__ import division, print_function

import numpy as np
from scipy import interp
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from cftime import num2pydate
import stripy as stripy
import collections

    import matplotlib
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.tri.triangulation import Triangulation
    from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
    from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
    from matplotlib import cm as mplcm
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
    import as ccrs
    from cartopy.mpl.gridliner import LONGITUDE_FORMATTER, LATITUDE_FORMATTER
    from cmocean import cm
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    raise ImportError("Could not import one or more requirements. `pylag.processing.plot` \n" \
                      "depends on matplotlib, cartopy and cmocean. These have not been distributed\n" \
                      "with PyLag in order to keep the number of dependencies down. If you would like \n" \
                      "to use the `pylag.processing.plot` module, please install these using `conda` or \n" \
                      "`pip`. For more information, see the PyLag installation guide: \n" \

from pylag.processing.ncview import Viewer
from pylag.processing.utils import round_time
from pylag.processing.ensemble import get_probability_density_1D

[docs]class PyLagPlotter: """ Base class for PyLag plotters Class to assist in the creation of plots and animations. The class can be used to create a set of basic plot objects. Plots that overlay particle trajectories on top of underlying field data should be created using the appropriate derived class. Parameters ---------- geographic_coords : boolean, optional Boolean specifying whether or not to use cartopy to create a 2D map on top of which the data will be plotted. The default option is `True`. If `False`, a simple Cartesian grid is drawn instead. font_size : int, optional Font size to use when rendering plot text line_width : float, optional Default line width to use when plotting """ def __init__(self, geographic_coords=True, font_size=10, line_width=0.2): self.geographic_coords = geographic_coords self.font_size = font_size self.line_width = line_width def _add_colour_bar(self, figure, axes, plot, cb_label=None): # Add colobar scaled to axis width divider = make_axes_locatable(axes) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05, axes_class=plt.Axes) cbar = figure.colorbar(plot, cax=cax) if cb_label: cbar.set_label(cb_label, size=self.font_size) return
[docs] def plot_lines(self, ax, x, y, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), **kwargs): """Plot path lines. In addition to the listed parameters, the function accepts all keyword arguments taken by the Matplotlib plot command. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object x : ND array Array of x coordinates to plot. y : ND array Array of y coordinates to plot. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object line_plot : matplotlib.collections.Line2D The plot object """ # Use some better default attributes if they have not been supplied alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', 0.25) color = kwargs.pop('color', 'r') linewidth = kwargs.pop('linewidth', 1.0) line_plots = ax.plot(x, y, zorder=3, alpha=alpha, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, transform=transform, **kwargs) return ax, line_plots
[docs] def remove_line_plots(self, line_plots): """ Remove line plots Useful when updating plots for animations. Parameters ---------- line_plots : list List of line plot objects created during call to plot_lines() """ while line_plots: line_plots.pop(0).remove() return
[docs] def scatter(self, ax, x, y, configure=False, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree(), zorder=4, extents=None, draw_coastlines=False, resolution='10m', tick_inc=False, **kwargs): """ Create a scatter plot using the provided x and y values If geographic_coords is True, x and y should be geographic (lat, lon) coordinates. If not, x any y should be given as cartesian coordinates. See Matplotlib's scatter documentation for a list of additional key word arguments. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object x : 1D array Array of 'x' positions. If plotting in geographic coords, these should be longitudes. y : 1D array Array of 'y' positions. If plotting in geographic coords, these should be latitudes. configure : bool, optional If true, configure the plot by setting plot extents, drawing coastlines etc. Default: False. transform : The type of transform to perform if geographic_coords is True. Optional. draw_coastlines : bool Draw coastlines? Only used if geographic_coords is True. Optional. resolution : str, optional Resolution to use when plotting the coastline. Only used when draw_coastline=True. Default: '10m'. tick_inc : bool Draw ticks? Only used if geographic_coords is True. Optional. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object scatter_plot : matplotlib.collection.PathCollection The scatter plot """ # Check to see if a field has already been plotted, indicating we can simply overlay # particle positions without setting up the plot in full. if not configure: if self.geographic_coords: scatter_plot = ax.scatter(x, y, transform=transform, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) else: scatter_plot = ax.scatter(x, y, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) return ax, scatter_plot # Create a new plot # Set extents if extents is None: extents = self._get_default_extents() # Create plot if self.geographic_coords: scatter_plot = ax.scatter(x, y, transform=transform, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) ax.set_extent(extents, transform) if draw_coastlines: ax.coastlines(resolution=resolution, linewidth=self.line_width) if tick_inc: self._add_ticks(ax) else: scatter_plot = ax.scatter(x, y, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(extents[:2]) ax.set_ylim(extents[2:]) ax.set_xlabel('x (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) ax.set_ylabel('y (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) return ax, scatter_plot
[docs] def set_title(self, ax, title): """ Set the title Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object title : str Plot title """ ax.set_title(title, fontsize=self.font_size)
def _add_ticks(self, ax): gl = ax.gridlines(linewidth=self.line_width, draw_labels={"bottom": "x", "left": "y"}, linestyle='--', color='k') gl.xlabel_style = {'fontsize': self.font_size} gl.ylabel_style = {'fontsize': self.font_size} gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER
[docs]class FVCOMPlotter(PyLagPlotter): """ Create PyLag plot objects based on FVCOM model outputs Class to assist in the creation of plots and animations based on FVCOM inputs. The mesh is read from the run's grid metrics file which is passed to PyLagPlotter during class initialisation. It is assumed the mesh can be faithfully reconstructed from the nodal coordinates and simplices using an instance of `matplotlib.tri.Triangulation`. In turn, this assumes the mesh has been constructed in Cartesian coordinates. Note - this does not preclude plotting in geographic coordinates. Parameters ---------- grid_metrics_file : Dataset or str This is either the path to a PyLag grid metrics file or a NetCDF Dataset object. If the former, PyLagPlotter will try to instantiate a new Dataset using the supplied file name. """ def __init__(self, grid_metrics_file, **kwargs): # Initialise base class super().__init__(**kwargs) # Open dataset for reading if isinstance(grid_metrics_file, Dataset): ds = grid_metrics_file elif isinstance(grid_metrics_file, str): ds = Dataset(grid_metrics_file, 'r') else: raise ValueError("`grid_metrics_file` should be either a pre-constructed netCDF.Dataset or a srting "\ "giving the path to a PyLag grid metrics file.") # Initialise the figure self._read_grid_information(ds) # Close the NetCDF file for reading ds.close() del ds def _read_grid_information(self, ds): # Read in the required grid variables self.n_nodes = len(ds.dimensions['node']) self.n_elems = len(ds.dimensions['element']) self.nv = ds.variables['nv'][:] # Try to read the element mask try: maskc = ds.variables['mask_c'][:] ocean_points = np.asarray(maskc == 0).nonzero()[0] # Initialise the mask with ones then add zeros for sea points self.maskc = np.ones_like(maskc) self.maskc[ocean_points] = 0 except KeyError: self.maskc = None if self.geographic_coords: self.x = ds.variables['longitude'][:] self.y = ds.variables['latitude'][:] self.xc = ds.variables['longitude_c'][:] self.yc = ds.variables['latitude_c'][:] self.transform = ccrs.PlateCarree() else: self.x = ds.variables['x'][:] self.y = ds.variables['y'][:] self.xc = ds.variables['xc'][:] self.yc = ds.variables['yc'][:] self.transform = None # Triangles self.triangles = self.nv.transpose() # Store triangulation self.tri = Triangulation(self.x, self.y, self.triangles, mask=self.maskc) def _get_default_extents(self): return np.array([self.x.min(), self.x.max(), self.y.min(), self.y.max()])
[docs] def plot_field(self, ax, field, update=False, configure=True, add_colour_bar=True, cb_label=None, tick_inc=True, extents=None, draw_coastlines=False, resolution='10m', **kwargs): """ Map the supplied field The field must be defined on the same triangular mesh that is defined in the grid metrics file (either nodes or element centres). Included here to make it possible to overlay particle tracks on different fields (e.g. bathymetry, temperature). If `geographic_coords` is True, Cartopy will be used to graph the supplied field. Additional plotting options are passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`. See the matplotlib documentation for a full list of supported options. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object field : 1D NumPy array The field to plot. update : bool, optional If true, update the existing plot. Specifically, the axes will be checked to see if it contains a PolyCollection object, as generated by tripcolor. If found, the associated data array will be updated with the supplied field data. This is faster than drawing a new map configure : bool, optional If true, configure the plot by setting plot extents, drawing coastlines etc. This can be useful when overlaying plots, and you only want to incur the cost of configuring the plot once. The default is True, with the expectation that in most circumstances users will draw any underlying field data before overlaying particle tracks. Default: True. add_colour_bar : bool, optional If true, draw a colour bar. cb_label : str, optional The colour bar label. tick_inc : bool, optional Add coordinate axes (i.e. lat/long). extents : 1D array, optional Four element numpy array giving lon/lat limits (e.g. [-4.56, -3.76, 49.96, 50.44]) draw_coastlines : boolean, optional Draw coastlines. Default False. resolution : str, optional Resolution to use when plotting the coastline. Only used when draw_coastline=True. Default: '10m'. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object plot : matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection The plot object """ if update is True: for collection in ax.collections: if type(collection) == PolyCollection: collection.set_array(field) return ax raise RuntimeError('Received update is True, but the current axis does not contain a PolyCollection object.') # If not configuring the plot, simply plot the field and return if not configure: if self.geographic_coords: plot = ax.tripcolor(self.tri, field, transform=self.transform, **kwargs) else: plot = ax.tripcolor(self.tri, field, **kwargs) return ax, plot # Set extents if extents is None: extents = self._get_default_extents() # Create plot if self.geographic_coords: plot = ax.tripcolor(self.tri, field, transform=self.transform, **kwargs) ax.set_extent(extents, self.transform) if draw_coastlines: ax.coastlines(resolution=resolution, linewidth=self.line_width) if tick_inc: self._add_ticks(ax) ax.set_xlabel('Longitude (E)', fontsize=self.font_size) ax.set_ylabel('Longitude (N)', fontsize=self.font_size) else: plot = ax.tripcolor(self.tri, field, **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(extents[0], extents[1]) ax.set_ylim(extents[2], extents[3]) ax.set_xlabel('x (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) ax.set_ylabel('y (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) # Add colour bar if add_colour_bar: figure = ax.get_figure() self._add_colour_bar(figure, ax, plot, cb_label) return ax, plot
[docs] def plot_quiver(self, ax, u, v, configure=True, update=False, tick_inc=True, extents=None, draw_coastlines=False, resolution='10m', point_res=1, scale=0.5, **kwargs): """ Produce a quiver plot of the supplied velocity field """ # Check array shapes assert u.shape == v.shape, "u and v shapes do not match" if len(u.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Expected 1D u/v arrays. Array has shape {}.'.format(u.shape)) if u.shape[0] != self.n_elems: raise ValueError('The size of the `u` and `v` arrays do not match the number of elements') _u = u _v = v #set spacing to plot 1 in n arrows where n = point_res points = (slice(None, None, point_res)) if update is True: for collection in ax.collections: if type(collection) == matplotlib.quiver.Quiver: collection.set_UVC(_u, _v) return ax raise RuntimeError('Received update is True, but the current axis does not contain a Quiver plot object.') quiver = ax.quiver(self.xc[points], self.yc[points], _u[points], _v[points], transform=self.transform, units='inches', scale_units='inches', scale=scale) plt.quiverkey(quiver, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, '{} '.format(0.5) + r'$\mathrm{ms^{-1}}$', coordinates='axes') # If not configuring the rest of the plot return to caller if not configure: return ax # Set extents if extents is None: extents = self._get_default_extents() ax.set_extent(extents, self.transform) if draw_coastlines: ax.coastlines(resolution=resolution, linewidth=self.line_width) if tick_inc: self._add_ticks(ax) ax.set_xlabel('Longitude (E)', fontsize=self.font_size) ax.set_ylabel('Longitude (N)', fontsize=self.font_size) return ax
[docs] def draw_grid(self, ax, draw_masked_elements=False, **kwargs): """ Draw the underlying grid or mesh Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object draw_masked_elements : bool Include masked elements. Default False. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object """ reinstate_mask = False if self.maskc is not None and draw_masked_elements: reinstate_mask = True self.tri.set_mask(None) ax.triplot(self.tri, zorder=2, **kwargs) # Reinstate the mask if needed if reinstate_mask: self.tri.set_mask(self.maskc)
[docs]class ArakawaAPlotter(PyLagPlotter): """ Create PyLag plot objects based on Arakawa A-Grid model outputs Class to assist in the creation of plots and animations based on Arakawa A-Grid inputs. The mesh is read from the run's grid metrics file which is passed to PyLagPlotter during class initialisation. `stripy` is used to create a spherical triangulation from the underlying data. Parameters ---------- grid_metrics_file : Dataset or str This is either the path to a PyLag grid metrics file or a NetCDF Dataset object. If the former, PyLagPlotter will try to instantiate a new Dataset using the supplied file name. """ def __init__(self, grid_metrics_file, **kwargs): # Initialise base class super().__init__(**kwargs) # Open dataset for reading if isinstance(grid_metrics_file, Dataset): ds = grid_metrics_file elif isinstance(grid_metrics_file, str): ds = Dataset(grid_metrics_file, 'r') else: raise ValueError("`grid_metrics_file` should be either a pre-constructed netCDF.Dataset or a srting "\ "giving the path to a PyLag grid metrics file.") # Initialise the figure self._read_grid_information(ds) # Close the NetCDF file for reading ds.close() del ds def _read_grid_information(self, ds): # Is this a global grid or a regional/local one with open boundaries? self.is_global = True if ds.is_global.strip().lower() == "true" else False # Read in the required grid variables self.n_nodes = len(ds.dimensions['node']) self.n_elems = len(ds.dimensions['element']) # Try to read the element mask try: maskc = ds.variables['mask_c'][:] ocean_points = np.asarray(maskc != 2).nonzero()[0] # Initialise the mask with ones then add zeros for sea points self.maskc = np.ones_like(maskc) self.maskc[ocean_points] = 0 except KeyError: self.maskc = None if self.geographic_coords: self.x = ds.variables['longitude'][:] self.y = ds.variables['latitude'][:] self.xc = ds.variables['longitude_c'][:] self.yc = ds.variables['latitude_c'][:] self.transform = ccrs.PlateCarree() else: raise ValueError('Arakawa A-grid plotter includes support for geographic coordinates only') # Has trimming been applied to the lat array? self.trim_first_latitude = bool(ds.variables['trim_first_latitude'][0]) self.trim_last_latitude = bool(ds.variables['trim_last_latitude'][0]) # Node index permutation self.permutation = ds.variables['permutation'][:] # Simplices self.simplices = ds.variables['nv'][:].transpose() # Only initialise this if needed (using create triangulation) self.stri = None # Indices for ocean elements self.ocean_elements = np.asarray(self.maskc == 0).nonzero()[0] # Ocean only simplices self.ocean_simplices = self.simplices[self.ocean_elements, :] def _create_triangulation(self): # Create a new spherical triangulation if self.is_global: self.tri = stripy.sTriangulation(lons=np.radians(self.x), lats=np.radians(self.y), permute=False) else: self.tri = Triangulation(self.x, self.y, self.simplices, mask=self.maskc) def _get_default_extents(self): return np.array([self.x.min(), self.x.max(), self.y.min(), self.y.max()])
[docs] def preprocess_array(self, field): """ Preprocess field array Fix up the field array by interpreting moving it onto the unstructured grid used by PyLag. The field array must be 2D and ordered [lon, lat]. Checks for this are not performed. To transform the array automatically, use `pylag.grid_metrics.sort_axes`. If the field array is global, points at the poles are automatically trimmed. Parameters ---------- field : 2D NumPy 2D NumPy array defined on a [lon, lat] grid. """ if len(field.shape) != 2: raise ValueError('Expected 2D array') if self.is_global: if self.trim_first_latitude == True: field = field[:, 1:] if self.trim_last_latitude == True: field = field[:, :-1] _field = field.flatten(order='C')[self.permutation] if _field.shape[0] != self.n_nodes: raise ValueError('The size of the flattened `field` array does not match the number of nodes') return _field
[docs] def plot_field(self, ax, field, preprocess_array=False, update=False, configure=True, add_colour_bar=True, cb_label=None, tick_inc=True, extents=None, draw_coastlines=False, resolution='10m', **kwargs): """ Map the supplied field The field must be defined on either a) the same triangular mesh that is defined in the grid metrics file, or b) on the original structured grid. In the case of (b), `preprocess` must be set to True. The field array will then be automatically mapped onto the unstructured triangular mesh. Typically, option (a) applies when plotting values saved in the grid metrics file (e.g. `h`) while option (b) applies when plotting time dependent variables from the original output file (e.g. current speed). Cartopy is used to create projections on which to plot. Additional plotting options are passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`. See the matplotlib documentation for a full list of supported options. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object field : NumPy NDArray The field to plot. preprocess_array : bool, optional Flag signifying whether the `field` variable should be first mapped onto grid nodal coordinates. Default : False. update : bool, optional If true, update the existing plot. Specifically, the axes will be checked to see if it contains a PolyCollection object. If found, the associated data array will be updated with the supplied field data. This is faster than drawing a new map. configure : bool, optional If true, configure the plot by setting plot extents, drawing coastlines etc. This can be useful when overlaying plots and you only want to incur the cost of configuring the plot once. The default is True, with the expectation that in most circumstances users will draw any underlying field data before overlaying particle tracks. Default : True. add_colour_bar : bool, optional If true, draw a colour bar. cb_label : str, optional The colour bar label. tick_inc : bool, optional Add coordinate axes (i.e. lat/long). extents : 1D array, optional Four element numpy array giving lon/lat limits (e.g. [-4.56, -3.76, 49.96, 50.44]) draw_coastlines : boolean, optional Draw coastlines. Default False. resolution : str, optional Resolution to use when plotting the coastline. Only used when draw_coastline=True. Default: '10m'. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object plot : matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection The plot object """ # Check array shapes if preprocess_array == False: if len(field.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Expected 1D array') if field.shape[0] != self.n_nodes and field.shape[0] != self.n_elems: raise ValueError('The size of the `field` array does not match the number of nodes or elements') _field = field else: _field = self.preprocess_array(field) # Compute field value at face centre of ocean triangles if _field.shape[0] == self.n_nodes: _field = _field[self.ocean_simplices].mean(axis=1) if _field.shape[0] == self.n_elems: _field = _field[self.ocean_elements] if update is True: for collection in ax.collections: if type(collection) == PolyCollection: collection.set_array(_field) return ax raise RuntimeError('Received update is True, but the current axis does not contain a PolyCollection object.') # Collection plotting kwargs linewidth = kwargs.pop('linewidth', 0.25) alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', 1.0) cmap = kwargs.pop('cmap', None) norm = kwargs.pop('norm', None) vmin = kwargs.pop('vmin', None) vmax = kwargs.pop('vmax', None) # Create the plot verts = np.stack((self.x[self.ocean_simplices], self.y[self.ocean_simplices]), axis=-1) collection = PolyCollection(verts, linewidth=linewidth, transform=self.transform) collection.set_alpha(alpha) collection.set_array(_field) collection.set_cmap(cmap) collection.set_norm(norm) collection._scale_norm(norm, vmin, vmax) ax.add_collection(collection) # If not configuring the rest of the plot return to caller if not configure: return ax # Set extents if extents is None: extents = self._get_default_extents() ax.set_extent(extents, self.transform) if draw_coastlines: ax.coastlines(resolution=resolution, linewidth=self.line_width) if tick_inc: self._add_ticks(ax) ax.set_xlabel('Longitude (E)', fontsize=self.font_size) ax.set_ylabel('Longitude (N)', fontsize=self.font_size) # Add colour bar if add_colour_bar: figure = ax.get_figure() self._add_colour_bar(figure, ax, collection, cb_label) return ax, collection
[docs] def plot_quiver(self, ax, u, v, preprocess_arrays=True, configure=True, update=False, tick_inc=True, extents=None, draw_coastlines=False, resolution='10m', **kwargs): """ Produce a quiver plot of the supplied velocity field """ assert u.shape == v.shape, "u and v shapes do not match" # Check array shapes if preprocess_arrays == False: if len(u.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('Expected 1D u/v arrays. Array has shape {}.'.format(u.shape)) if u.shape[0] != self.n_nodes: raise ValueError('The size of the `u` and `v` arrays do not match the number of nodes') _u = u _v = v else: _u = self.preprocess_array(u) _v = self.preprocess_array(v) if update is True: for collection in ax.collections: if type(collection) == matplotlib.quiver.Quiver: collection.set_UVC(_u, _v) return ax raise RuntimeError('Received update is True, but the current axis does not contain a Quiver plot object.') quiver = ax.quiver(self.x, self.y, _u, _v, transform=self.transform, units='inches', scale_units='inches', scale=0.5) plt.quiverkey(quiver, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, '{} '.format(0.5) + r'$\mathrm{ms^{-1}}$', coordinates='axes') # If not configuring the rest of the plot return to caller if not configure: return ax # Set extents if extents is None: extents = self._get_default_extents() ax.set_extent(extents, self.transform) if draw_coastlines: ax.coastlines(resolution=resolution, linewidth=self.line_width) if tick_inc: self._add_ticks(ax) ax.set_xlabel('Longitude (E)', fontsize=self.font_size) ax.set_ylabel('Longitude (N)', fontsize=self.font_size) return ax
[docs] def draw_grid(self, ax, draw_masked_elements=False, linewidth=0.25, edgecolor='k', facecolor='none'): """ Draw the underlying grid or mesh Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object """ if draw_masked_elements: x = self.x[self.simplices] y = self.y[self.simplices] else: x = self.x[self.ocean_simplices] y = self.y[self.ocean_simplices] verts = np.stack((x, y), axis=-1) collection = PolyCollection(verts, edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidth=linewidth, facecolor=facecolor, transform=self.transform) ax.add_collection(collection) ax.grid(False) ax.autoscale_view() return ax
[docs]class ArakawaCPlotter: """ Create PyLag plot objects based on Arakawa C-grid inputs Class to assist in the creation of plots and animations for PyLag simulations that used input data defined on an Arakawa C-grid. The C-grid mesh is read from the run's grid metrics file, which must be passed to ArakawaCPlotter during class initialisation. Specifically, ArakawaCPlotter will work with: 1) Arakawa C-grid derived data Parameters ---------- grid_metrics_file : Dataset or str This is the path to the PyLag grid metrics file or a NetCDF4 dataset object that has been created from the grid metrics file. geographic_coords : boolean, optional Boolean specifying whether or not to use cartopy to create a 2D map on top of which the data will be plotted. The default option is `True`. If `False`, a simple Cartesian grid is drawn instead. font_size : int, optional Font size to use when rendering plot text line_width : float, optional Default line width to use when plotting """ def __init__(self, grid_metrics_file, geographic_coords=True, font_size=10, line_width=0.2): if isinstance(grid_metrics_file, Dataset): ds = grid_metrics_file elif isinstance(grid_metrics_file, str): ds = Dataset(grid_metrics_file, 'r') else: raise ValueError("`grid_metrics_file` should be either a pre-constructed netCDF.Dataset or a srting " \ "giving the path to a PyLag grid metrics file.") self.geographic_coords = geographic_coords self.font_size = font_size self.line_width = line_width # Initialise the figure self.__init_figure(ds) # Close the NetCDF file for reading ds.close() del ds def __init_figure(self, ds): # Initialise dictionaries self.n_nodes = {} self.n_elems = {} self.nv = {} self.maskc = {} self.x = {} self.y = {} self.xc = {} self.yc = {} self.triangles = {} self.tri = {} # Read in the required grid variables per grid for grid_name in ['grid_u', 'grid_v', 'grid_rho', 'grid_psi']: # Check to see whether the file contains dimension variables for the given grid has_grid_info = False for dim_name in ds.dimensions.keys(): if grid_name in dim_name: has_grid_info = True break # Pass on this grid if it is not present if has_grid_info is False: continue self.n_nodes[grid_name] = len(ds.dimensions['node_{}'.format(grid_name)]) self.n_elems[grid_name] = len(ds.dimensions['element_{}'.format(grid_name)]) self.nv[grid_name] = ds.variables['nv_{}'.format(grid_name)][:] # Try to read the element mask try: maskc = ds.variables['mask_c_{}'.format(grid_name)][:] ocean_points = np.asarray(maskc == 0).nonzero()[0] # Initialise the mask with ones then add zeros for sea points self.maskc[grid_name] = np.ones_like(maskc) self.maskc[grid_name][ocean_points] = 0 except KeyError: self.maskc[grid_name] = None if self.geographic_coords: self.x[grid_name] = ds.variables['longitude_{}'.format(grid_name)][:] self.y[grid_name] = ds.variables['latitude_{}'.format(grid_name)][:] self.xc[grid_name] = ds.variables['longitude_c_{}'.format(grid_name)][:] self.yc[grid_name] = ds.variables['latitude_c_{}'.format(grid_name)][:] self.transform = ccrs.PlateCarree() else: self.x[grid_name] = ds.variables['x_{}'.format(grid_name)][:] self.y[grid_name] = ds.variables['y_{}'.format(grid_name)][:] self.xc[grid_name] = ds.variables['xc_{}'.format(grid_name)][:] self.yc[grid_name] = ds.variables['yc_{}'.format(grid_name)][:] # Triangles self.triangles[grid_name] = self.nv[grid_name].transpose() # Store triangulation self.tri[grid_name] = Triangulation(self.x[grid_name], self.y[grid_name], self.triangles[grid_name], mask=self.maskc[grid_name]) def _get_default_extents(self, grid_name): return np.array([self.x[grid_name].min(), self.x[grid_name].max(), self.y[grid_name].min(), self.y[grid_name].max()])
[docs] def plot_field(self, ax, grid_name, field, update=False, configure=True, add_colour_bar=True, cb_label=None, tick_inc=True, extents=None, draw_coastlines=False, resolution='10m', **kwargs): """ Map the supplied field The field must be defined on the same triangular mesh that is defined in the grid metrics file (either nodes or element centres). Included here to make it possible to overlay particle tracks on different fields (e.g. bathymetry, temperature). If `geographic_coords` is True, Cartopy will be used to graph the supplied field. Additional plotting options are passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`. See the matplotlib documentation for a full list of supported options. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object grid_name : str The name of the grid on which the field data is defined field : 1D NumPy array The field to plot. update : bool, optional If true, update the existing plot. Specifically, the axes will be checked to see if it contains a PolyCollection object, as generated by tripcolor. If found, the associated data array will be updated with the supplied field data. This is faster than drawing a new map configure : bool, optional If true, configure the plot by setting plot extents, drawing coastlines etc. This can be useful when overlaying plots, and you only want to incur the cost of configuring the plot once. The default is True, with the expectation that in most circumstances users will draw any underlying field data before overlaying particle tracks. Default: True. add_colour_bar : bool, optional If true, draw a colour bar. cb_label : str, optional The colour bar label. tick_inc : bool, optional Add coordinate axes (i.e. lat/long). extents : 1D array, optional Four element numpy array giving lon/lat limits (e.g. [-4.56, -3.76, 49.96, 50.44]) draw_coastlines : boolean, optional Draw coastlines. Default False. resolution : str, optional Resolution to use when plotting the coastline. Only used when draw_coastline=True. Default: '10m'. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object plot : matplotlib.collections.PolyCollection The plot object """ if update is True: for collection in ax.collections: if type(collection) == PolyCollection: collection.set_array(field) return ax raise RuntimeError( 'Received update is True, but the current axis does not contain a PolyCollection object.') # If not configuring the plot, simply plot the field and return if not configure: if self.geographic_coords: plot = ax.tripcolor(self.tri[grid_name], field, transform=self.transform, **kwargs) else: plot = ax.tripcolor(self.tri[grid_name], field, **kwargs) return ax, plot # Set extents if extents is None: extents = self._get_default_extents(grid_name) # Create plot if self.geographic_coords: plot = ax.tripcolor(self.tri[grid_name], field, transform=self.transform, **kwargs) ax.set_extent(extents, self.transform) if draw_coastlines: ax.coastlines(resolution=resolution, linewidth=self.line_width) if tick_inc: self._add_ticks(ax) ax.set_xlabel('Longitude (E)', fontsize=self.font_size) ax.set_ylabel('Longitude (N)', fontsize=self.font_size) else: plot = ax.tripcolor(self.tri, field, **kwargs) ax.set_extent(extents) ax.set_xlabel('x (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) ax.set_ylabel('y (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) # Add colour bar if add_colour_bar: figure = ax.get_figure() self._add_colour_bar(figure, ax, plot, cb_label) return ax, plot
def _add_colour_bar(self, figure, axes, plot, cb_label=None): # Add colobar scaled to axis width divider = make_axes_locatable(axes) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05, axes_class=plt.Axes) cbar = figure.colorbar(plot, cax=cax) if cb_label: cbar.set_label(cb_label, size=self.font_size) return
[docs] def plot_lines(self, ax, x, y, **kwargs): """Plot path lines. In addition to the listed parameters, the function accepts all keyword arguments taken by the Matplotlib plot command. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object x : ND array Array of x coordinates to plot. y : ND array Array of y coordinates to plot. Returns: -------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object line_plot : matplotlib.collections.Line2D The plot object """ # Use some better default attributes if they have not been supplied alpha = kwargs.pop('alpha', 0.25) color = kwargs.pop('color', 'r') linewidth = kwargs.pop('linewidth', 1.0) line_plots = ax.plot(x, y, transform=self.transform, zorder=3, alpha=alpha, color=color, linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs) return ax, line_plots
[docs] def remove_line_plots(self, line_plots): """ Remove line plots Useful when updating plots for animations. Parameters ---------- line_plots : list List of line plot objects created during call to plot_lines() """ while line_plots: line_plots.pop(0).remove() return
[docs] def scatter(self, ax, grid_name, x, y, configure=False, zorder=4, extents=None, draw_coastlines=False, resolution='10m', tick_inc=False, **kwargs): """ Create a scatter plot using the provided x and y values If geographic_coords is True, x and y should be geographic (lat, lon) coordinates. If not, x any y should be given as cartesian coordinates. See Matplotlib's scatter documentation for a list of additional key word arguments. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object grid_name : str The name of the grid on which the field data is defined x : 1D array Array of 'x' positions. If plotting in geographic coords, these should be longitudes. y : 1D array Array of 'y' positions. If plotting in geographic coords, these should be latitudes. configure : bool, optional If true, configure the plot by setting plot extents, drawing coastlines etc. Default: False. draw_coastlines : bool Draw coastlines? Only used if geographic_coords is True. Optional. resolution : str, optional Resolution to use when plotting the coastline. Only used when draw_coastline=True. Default: '10m'. tick_inc : bool Draw ticks? Only used if geographic_coords is True. Optional. Returns ------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object scatter_plot : matplotlib.collection.PathCollection The scatter plot """ # Check to see if a field has already been plotted, indicating we can simply overlay # particle positions without setting up the plot in full. if not configure: if self.geographic_coords: scatter_plot = ax.scatter(x, y, transform=self.transform, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) else: scatter_plot = ax.scatter(x, y, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) return ax, scatter_plot # Create a new plot # Set extents if extents is None: extents = self._get_default_extents(grid_name) # Create plot if self.geographic_coords: scatter_plot = ax.scatter(x, y, transform=self.transform, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) ax.set_extent(extents, self.transform) if draw_coastlines: ax.coastlines(resolution=resolution, linewidth=self.line_width) if tick_inc: self._add_ticks(ax) else: scatter_plot = ax.scatter(x, y, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) ax.set_extent(extents) ax.set_xlabel('x (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) ax.set_ylabel('y (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) return ax, scatter_plot
[docs] def draw_grid(self, ax, grid_name, draw_masked_elements=False, zorder=2, **kwargs): """ Draw the underlying grid or mesh Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object grid_name : str The name of the grid on which the field data is defined draw_masked_elements : bool Include masked elements. Default False. zorder : int The zorder. Returns -------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object """ reinstate_mask = False if self.maskc[grid_name] is not None and draw_masked_elements: reinstate_mask = True self.tri[grid_name].set_mask(None) ax.triplot(self.tri[grid_name], transform=self.transform, zorder=zorder, **kwargs) # Reinstate the mask if needed if reinstate_mask: self.tri[grid_name].set_mask(self.maskc[grid_name])
[docs] def set_title(self, ax, title): """ Set the title Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object title : str Plot title """ ax.set_title(title, fontsize=self.font_size)
# def get_nodal_coords(self): # return np.copy(self.x), np.copy(self.y) def _add_ticks(self, ax): gl = ax.gridlines(linewidth=self.line_width, draw_labels=True, linestyle='--', color='k') gl.xlabel_style = {'fontsize': self.font_size} gl.ylabel_style = {'fontsize': self.font_size} gl.top_labels = False gl.right_labels = False gl.bottom_labels = True gl.left_labels = True gl.xformatter = LONGITUDE_FORMATTER gl.yformatter = LATITUDE_FORMATTER
[docs]class GOTMPlotter(object): """Class to assist in the creation of GOTM plot objects Class to assist in the creation of plots and animations based on output from the GOTM model, including additional support to plot PyLag outputs. Methods ------- time_series : Plot variable through time at a given depth profile : Plot depth profile hovmoller : pcolormesh plot of a variable on a depth - time grid hovmoller_particles : pcolormesh plot of particle concentrations on a depth - time grid scatter : scatter plot of particle positions on a depth - time grid pathlines : line plot of particle pathlines on a depth - time grid Parameters ---------- file_name : str File from which to read grid info. fs : int, optional Font size to use when rendering plot text time_rounding : int Period between saved data points (in seconds) which is used to round datetime objects. """ def __init__(self, file_name, fs=10, time_rounding=None): self.file_name = file_name self.font_size = fs self.time_rounding = time_rounding # Initialise the figure self.__init_figure() def __init_figure(self): # Initialise dataset self.ds = Dataset(self.file_name, 'r') # Times/dates self.times = self.ds.variables['time'] self.dates = num2pydate(self.times[:], units=self.times.units, calendar=self.times.calendar) # Time and date bands (for plotting with pcolormesh) dt = self.times[1] - self.times[0] self.time_bnds = np.empty(self.times.shape[0] + 1, dtype=self.times.dtype) self.time_bnds[:-1] = self.times[:] - dt / 2 self.time_bnds[-1] = self.times[-1] + dt / 2 self.date_bnds = num2pydate(self.time_bnds[:], units=self.times.units, calendar=self.times.calendar) # Round dates if self.time_rounding: self.dates = round_time(self.dates, self.time_rounding) self.date_bnds = round_time(self.date_bnds, self.time_rounding) # Depth at layer centres self.z = self.ds.variables['z'][:].squeeze() # Depth as layer interfaces self.zi = self.ds.variables['zi'][:].squeeze() # Layer separations self.h = self.ds.variables['h'][:].squeeze() # Construct depth and time grids for use with pcolormesh; coordinates # should correspond to the points of quadrilaterals surrounding the # points where variables are defined. NB the position of the # quadrilaterals changes depending on whether the variable is defined at # layer interfaces (e.g. turbulence vars) or layer centres (e.g. # passive tracers) # Compute z bands for plotting with pcolormesh self.z_bnds = np.empty((self.z.shape[0] + 1, self.z.shape[1] + 1), dtype=float) for i in range(self.z_bnds.shape[1]): self.z_bnds[:, i] = interp(self.time_bnds[:], self.times[:], self.zi[:, i]) # Compute zi bands for plotting with pcolormesh: # a) First compute zi_bnds based on the depth of cell centres. Layer # thicknesses are used to extrapolate beyond the edge of the grid. # b) Next, interpolate these values to time points that are offset by # dt/2, zi_bnds = np.empty((self.zi.shape[0], self.zi.shape[1] + 1), dtype=float) zi_bnds[:, 0] = self.z[:, 0] - self.h[:, 0] zi_bnds[:, 1:-1] = self.z[:, :] zi_bnds[:, -1] = self.z[:, -1] + self.h[:, -1] self.zi_bnds = np.empty((self.zi.shape[0] + 1, self.zi.shape[1] + 1), dtype=float) for i in range(self.zi_bnds.shape[1]): self.zi_bnds[:, i] = interp(self.time_bnds[:], self.times[:], zi_bnds[:, i]) # Compute date bands for use with both z_bnds and zi_bnds self.date_z_bnds = np.tile(self.date_bnds[:], [self.z_bnds.shape[1], 1]).T self.date_zi_bnds = np.tile(self.date_bnds[:], [self.zi_bnds.shape[1], 1]).T
[docs] def time_series(self, axes, var_name, depth, **kwargs): """ Make a time series plot The function plots a time series of the given variable at the given depth below the free surface. GOTM variable data is first interpolated to the given depth. Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object var_name : str Name of variable to plot. depth : float Depth relative to the free surface (= 0 m). Positive up. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object """ # Variable data var = self.ds.variables[var_name] # Interpolate variable data to the given depth below the moving free surface var_time_series = [] for i in range(var.shape[0]): depth_offset = depth + self.zi[i, -1] # Remove offset introduced by the moving free surface var_time_series.append(interp(depth_offset, self.z[i, :], var[i, :].squeeze())) axes.plot(self.dates, var_time_series, **kwargs) axes.set_xlabel('Time', fontsize=self.font_size) axes.set_ylabel('{} ({})'.format(var_name, var.units), fontsize=self.font_size) return axes
[docs] def profile(self, axes, var_name, date): """ Generate a depth profile of the listed variable at the given time point Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object. var_name : str The variable to plot. date : datetime The date on which to extract the profile. Returns ------- axes : Matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object. """ # Calculate the model time index using a nearest neighbour approach t_idx = (np.abs(np.array(self.dates) - date)).argmin() var = self.ds.variables[var_name] axes.plot(var[t_idx, :, 0, 0].squeeze(), self.z[t_idx, :]) # Add axis labels axes.set_xlabel('{} ({})'.format(var_name, var.units), fontsize=self.font_size) axes.set_ylabel('Depth (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) return axes
[docs] def hovmoller(self, axes, var_name, add_colorbar=True, cb_label=None, cb_ticks=None, **kwargs): """ Draw a hovmoller diagram Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object var_name : str Name of variable to plot. cb_label : str, optional The colour bar label. cb_ticks : list[float], optional Colorbar ticks. Returns ------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object """ var = self.ds.variables[var_name] # Is the variable defined at layer centers or layer interfaces? if 'z' in var.dimensions: depth_grid = self.z_bnds time_grid = self.date_z_bnds elif 'zi' in var.dimensions: depth_grid = self.zi_bnds time_grid = self.date_zi_bnds else: raise ValueError("Variable `{}` is not depth resolved".format(var_name)) plot = axes.pcolormesh(time_grid, depth_grid, var[:].squeeze(), **kwargs) # Set depth lims axes.set_ylim([depth_grid.min(), depth_grid.max()]) # Add axis labels axes.set_xlabel('Time', fontsize=self.font_size) axes.set_ylabel('Depth (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) axes.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=self.font_size) axes.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=self.font_size) # Add colour bar if add_colorbar: figure = axes.get_figure() self.add_colour_bar(figure, axes, plot, cb_label, cb_ticks) return axes
[docs] def hovmoller_particles(self, axes, file_names, ds, de, time_rounding, mass_factor=1.0, add_colorbar=True, cb_label=None, cb_ticks=None, **kwargs): """ Plot particle concentrations Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object file_names : list[str] List of sorted PyLag output files. Each output file corresponds to one member of the ensemble. ds : datetime Start datetime. de : datetime End datetime. time_rounding : int Period between saved data points (in seconds) which is used to round PyLag datetime objects. This option is included to account for cases in which PyLag times are written to file with limited precision. Once rounded, two datetime objects can be more easily compared. Note this parameter may be different to the GOTM time_rounding parameter, which is an instance variable. mass_factor : float Multiplier that is used to generate concentrations from probability densities. add_colorbar : bool, optional Add colorbar? cb_label : bool, optional Colorbar label. cb_ticks : list[float], optional Colorbar ticks. """ pylag_viewer = Viewer(file_names[0], time_rounding=time_rounding) pylag_first_idx = pylag_last_idx = pylag_dates =[pylag_first_idx:pylag_last_idx + 1] gotm_first_idx = self.dates.tolist().index(ds) gotm_last_idx = self.dates.tolist().index(de) gotm_dates = self.dates[gotm_first_idx:gotm_last_idx + 1] if not np.array_equal(pylag_dates, gotm_dates): raise RuntimeError('PyLag and GOTM date arrays do not match.') # Compute particle concentrations depths = self.z[gotm_first_idx:gotm_last_idx + 1, :].squeeze() depth_bnds = self.zi[gotm_first_idx:gotm_last_idx + 1, (0, -1)].squeeze() conc = get_probability_density_1D(file_names, pylag_dates, depths, depth_bnds, time_rounding) * mass_factor # Compute date and depth bands for plotting with pcolormesh. The +2 # accounts for 1) Pyhton slicing rules, and 2) the fact pcolormesh wants # the date and z band arrays to be one bigger in size than the # concentration array. pcol_date_bnds = self.date_z_bnds[gotm_first_idx:gotm_last_idx + 2, :] pcol_depth_bnds = self.z_bnds[gotm_first_idx:gotm_last_idx + 2, :] # Plot plot = axes.pcolormesh(pcol_date_bnds, pcol_depth_bnds, conc, **kwargs) # Set depth lims axes.set_ylim([pcol_depth_bnds.min(), pcol_depth_bnds.max()]) # Add axis labels axes.set_xlabel('Time', fontsize=self.font_size) axes.set_ylabel('Depth (m)', fontsize=self.font_size) # Add colour bar if add_colorbar: figure = axes.get_figure() self.add_colour_bar(figure, axes, plot, cb_label, cb_ticks) return axes
[docs] def plot_scatter(self, axes, dates, zpos, **kwargs): """ Scatter plot of particle positions through time Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object dates : array_like List of dates zpos : array_like List of z-positions kwargs : dict Dictionary of keyword arguments for the scatter plot """ for i in range(zpos.shape[1]): axes.scatter(dates, zpos[:, i], **kwargs) # Set time and depth lims axes.set_xlim([np.min(dates), np.max(dates)]) axes.set_ylim([np.min(zpos), np.max(zpos)])
[docs] def plot_pathlines(self, axes, dates, zpos, **kwargs): """ Plot pathlines through time Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes Axes object dates : array_like List of dates zpos : array_like List of zpositions kwargs : dict Dictionary of keyword arguments for the scatter plot Returns ------- : None """ axes.plot(dates, zpos[:, :], **kwargs) # Set time and depth lims axes.set_xlim([np.min(dates), np.max(dates)]) axes.set_ylim([np.min(zpos), np.max(zpos)]) return axes
[docs] def add_colour_bar(self, figure, axes, plot, cb_label, cb_ticks): """ Add a colour bar """ # Add colour bar scaled to axis width divider = make_axes_locatable(axes) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05) cbar = figure.colorbar(plot, cax=cax, ticks=cb_ticks) cbar.set_label(cb_label, fontsize=self.font_size)
[docs] def set_title(self, ax, title): """ Set title """ ax.set_title(title, fontsize=self.font_size)
[docs]def create_figure(figure_size=(10., 10.), font_size=10, axis_position=None, projection=None, bg_color='white'): """ Create a Figure object Parameters ---------- figure_size : tuple(float), optional Figure size in cm. This is only used if a new Figure object is created. font_size : int Font size to use for axis labels axis_position : 1D array, optional Array giving axis dimensions projection : ccrs.Projection Cartopy projection to use for the plot. If None, a projection will not be used. bg_color : str, optional Colour to use for the axis background. Default is `white`. When creating a figure for plotting FVCOM outputs, it can be useful to set this to `gray`. When FVCOM is fitted to a coastline, the gray areas mark the land boundary used by the model. This provides a fast alternative to plotting a high resolution (e.g. `res` = `f`) land boundary using methods provided by the Basemap class instance. """ figure_size_inches = (cm2inch(figure_size[0]), cm2inch(figure_size[1])) figure = plt.figure(figsize=figure_size_inches) figure.set_facecolor('white') axes = figure.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection=projection, facecolor=bg_color) if axis_position is not None: axes.set_position(axis_position) axes.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=font_size) axes.tick_params(axis='both', which='minor', labelsize=font_size) return figure, axes
[docs]def create_cbar_ax(ax): """Create colorbar axis alligned with plot axis y limits Parameters ---------- ax : Axes Plot axes instsance Returns ------- cax : Axes Colorbar plot axis """ divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) return divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
[docs]def cm2inch(value): """ Convert centimetres to inches. Parameters ---------- value : float Length in cm. Returns ------- : float Length in inches. """ return value / 2.54
[docs]def colourmap(variable): """ Use a predefined colour map for a given variable. Leverages the cmocean package for perceptually uniform colour maps. Parameters ---------- variable : str For the given variable name, return the appropriate colour palette from the cmocean/matplotlib colour maps. If the variable is not in the pre-defined variables here, the returned values will be `viridis`. Returns ------- colourmaps : matplotlib.colours.cmap The colour map for the variable given. """ default_cmap = mplcm.get_cmap('viridis') cmaps = {'q2': cm.dense, 'l': cm.dense, 'q2l': cm.dense, 'tke': cm.dense, 'viscofh': cm.dense, 'kh': cm.dense, 'nuh': cm.dense, 'teps': cm.dense, 'tauc': cm.dense, 'temp': cm.thermal, 'sst': cm.thermal, 'salinity': cm.haline, 'zeta': cm.balance, 'ww': cm.balance, 'omega': cm.balance, 'uv': cm.speed, 'uava': cm.speed, 'speed': cm.speed, 'u':, 'v':, 'ua':, 'va':, 'uvanomaly':, 'direction': cm.phase, 'uvdir': cm.phase, 'h_morpho': cm.deep, 'h': cm.deep, 'h_r': cm.deep_r, 'bathymetry': cm.deep, 'bathymetry_r': cm.deep_r, 'taub_total': cm.thermal, 'mud_1': cm.turbid, 'mud_2': cm.turbid, 'sand_1': cm.turbid, 'sand_2': cm.turbid, 'todal_ssc': cm.turbid, 'total_ssc': cm.turbid, 'mud_1_bedfrac': cm.dense, 'mud_2_bedfrac': cm.dense, 'sand_1_bedfrac': cm.dense, 'sand_2_bedfrac': cm.dense, 'mud_1_bedload': cm.dense, 'mud_2_bedload': cm.dense, 'sand_1_bedload': cm.dense, 'sand_2_bedload': cm.dense, 'bed_thick': cm.deep, 'bed_age': cm.tempo, 'bed_por': cm.turbid, 'bed_diff': cm.haline, 'bed_btcr': cm.thermal, 'bot_sd50': cm.turbid, 'bot_dens': cm.thermal, 'bot_wsed': cm.turbid, 'bot_nthck': cm.matter, 'bot_lthck': cm.matter, 'bot_dthck': cm.matter, 'bot_morph': cm.deep, 'bot_tauc': cm.thermal, 'bot_rlen': cm.dense, 'bot_rhgt': cm.dense, 'bot_bwav': cm.turbid, 'bot_zdef': cm.dense, 'bot_zapp': cm.dense, 'bot_zNik': cm.dense, 'bot_zbio': cm.dense, 'bot_zbfm': cm.dense, 'bot_zbld': cm.dense, 'bot_zwbl': cm.dense, 'bot_actv': cm.deep, 'bot_shgt': cm.deep_r, 'bot_maxD': cm.deep, 'bot_dnet': cm.matter, 'bot_doff': cm.thermal, 'bot_dslp': cm.amp, 'bot_dtim': cm.haline, 'bot_dbmx': cm.dense, 'bot_dbmm': cm.dense, 'bot_dbzs': cm.dense, 'bot_dbzm': cm.dense, 'bot_dbzp': cm.dense, 'wet_nodes': cm.amp, 'tracer1_c': cm.dense, 'DYE': cm.dense} if variable in cmaps: colourmaps = cmaps[variable] else: colourmaps = default_cmap return colourmaps