Source code for pylag.processing.ncview

Tools to assist with opening and inspecting PyLag input and output files
from __future__ import division, print_function

from netCDF4 import Dataset
from cftime import num2pydate

from pylag.processing.utils import round_time

[docs]class Viewer(object): """ Class to provide easy access to data stored in netCDF format This class can be used to view and access data in PyLag data files. In general it will work with GOTM outputs too, although FVCOM outputs are are best read using PyFVCOM's FileReader class. Code adapted from the python module written by Momme Butenschon (CMCC, formerly PML). Attributes ---------- _filename : str Full or absolute path to the data file """ def __init__(self, filename, mask=True, quiet=True, time_rounding=None): """Open the file for reading Parameters ---------- filename : str Full or absolute path to the file. mask : bool, optional Apply mask to file variables. quiet : bool, optional Print updates to stdout. time_rounding : int Period between saved data points (in seconds) which is used to round datetime objects. This option is included to account for cases in which PyLag times are written to file with limited precision. Once rounded, two datetime objects can be more easily compared. """ if not quiet: print('Opening netCDF file {} ...'.format(filename)) self._ds = Dataset(filename, 'r') if mask: for var in self._ds.variables.values(): var.set_auto_maskandscale(True) self._time_rounding = time_rounding self._time = None self._date = None @property def time(self): """ Time array """ if self._time is not None: return self._time for key, var in list(self._ds.variables.items()): if key in ['time', 'time_centered', 'time_ref']: self._time = var[:] return self._time raise KeyError('Time variable not found') @property def date(self): """ Date array """ if self._date is not None: return self._date for key, var in list(self._ds.variables.items()): if key in ['time', 'time_centered', 'time_ref']: self._date = num2pydate(var[:], units=var.units, calendar=var.calendar) if self._time_rounding is not None: self._date = round_time(self._date, self._time_rounding) return self._date raise KeyError('Time variable not found') def __call__(self, var_str, Object=True, Squeeze=True): if Object: return self._ds.variables[var_str] else: if Squeeze: a = self._ds.variables[var_str][:].squeeze().copy() return a else: a = self._ds.variables[var_str][:].copy() return a def __str__(self): info_str='-----------------\n'+\ 'netCDF Object:\n'+\ '-----------------' for key in self._ds.ncattrs(): info_str += '\n\n'+key+':\t'+str(getattr(self, key)) dim_list = self._ds.dimensions.items() dim_list = [(key, dim, len(dim)) for key, dim in dim_list] dim_list.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0])) for key, dim, size in dim_list: info_str += '\n\t'+key if dim.isunlimited(): info_str += '\tUNLIMITED => '+str(size) else: info_str += '\t'+str(size) info_str += '\n\n' + 'Variables:\n' var_list = self._ds.variables.items() var_list.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0])) for key, var in var_listist: info_str += '\n\t' + key + ':' for k in var.ncattrs(): if k == 'long_name': info_str += '\t'+str(getattr(var, k)) elif k=='units': info_str += '\t'+'['+str(getattr(var, k) + ']') info_str += '\n\t\t' + str(var.dimensions) + '=' + str(var.shape) info_str += '\t' + str(var.dtype) return info_str
[docs] def var_info(self, var_str): """Print variable info Parameters ---------- var_str : string Variable name/key """ try: var = self._ds.variables[var_str] info_str = '\n\t' + var_str + str(var.dimensions) + ': ' + str(var.shape)\ + '\t' + str(var.dtype) for k in var.ncattrs(): info_str += '\n\t\t' + k + ':\t' + str(getattr(var, k)) + '\n' print(info_str) except KeyError: print('Variable "' + var_str + '" not found!')
[docs] def list_vars(self): """List all variables stored in the file""" print('File contains the variables ...') for key, var in self._ds.variables.items(): try: long_name = var.long_name except AttributeError: long_name = None print('{}: {}'.format(key, long_name))
[docs] def close(self): """Close dataset and exit""" self._ds.close()