Source code for pylag.processing.fvcom

Tools to assist with analysing FVCOM based outputs
from __future__ import division, print_function

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

    from import FileReader as FVCOMFileReader
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
    print('PyFVCOM is not installed. Some module functionality will be disabled.')

from pylag.processing.ncview import Viewer

[docs]def get_rmse(fvcom_file_name, fvcom_var_name, pylag_file_names, dates, pylag_time_rounding, mass_factor=1.0, n_points=None): """Compute the RMSE Compute the RMSE between FVCOM and PyLag model outputs. Parameters ---------- fvcom_file_name : str Name of the file containing output from the Eulerian model. At the moment, only FVCOM-based outptus are supported. fvcom_var_name : str The name of the FVCOM variable we will comare the output of the particle tracking model with. pylag_file_names : list[str] List of sorted PyLag output files. Each output file corresponds to one member of the ensemble. dates : 1D NumPy array ([t], datetime) Dates on which to compute the emsemble mean concentration. pylag_time_rounding : int The number of seconds PyLag outputs should be rounded to. mass_factor : float Factor used to convert probability densities into concentrations. n_points : int, optional Restrict the comparison to the `n` points which have the highest FVCOM tracer concentration. If None, all grid points are compared. Returns ------- rmse : float The RMSE. """ if not has_pyfvcom: raise RuntimeError('Please install PyFVCOM to use `pylag.fvcom.get_rmse`.') # Create FVCOM File Reader fvcom_reader = FVCOMFileReader(fvcom_file_name) # Find FVCOM date indices fvcom_date_indices = get_fvcom_date_indices(fvcom_reader, dates) # Array sizes n_trials = len(pylag_file_names) n_times = dates.shape[0] if n_points is None: n_points = fvcom_reader.grid.x.shape[0] # Compute the squared difference diff_squared = np.empty((n_trials, n_times, n_points), dtype=float) for i, pylag_file_name in enumerate(pylag_file_names): viewer = Viewer(pylag_file_name, time_rounding=pylag_time_rounding) # Find PyLag date indices pylag_date_indices = [ for date in dates] # Compare the two models for j, (fvcom_idx, pylag_idx) in enumerate(zip(fvcom_date_indices, pylag_date_indices)): fvcom_conc = get_fvcom_var(fvcom_reader, fvcom_var_name, fvcom_idx) # Restrict the comparison to the nodes with the highest concentrations by first sorting the fvcom_conc # array, then slicing it to get the indices corresponding to the nodes with the highest concentrations indices = np.argsort(fvcom_conc)[-n_points:] # Positions at which to estimate the particle density positions = np.vstack([fvcom_reader.grid.x[indices], fvcom_reader.grid.y[indices]]) # Compute the concentration from particle positions xpos = viewer('x')[pylag_idx, :].squeeze() ypos = viewer('y')[pylag_idx, :].squeeze() values = np.vstack([xpos, ypos]) kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(values) pylag_conc = kernel(positions) * mass_factor # Compute the squared difference diff_squared[i, j, :] = (pylag_conc[:] - fvcom_conc[indices]) ** 2.0 return np.sqrt(np.mean(diff_squared))
def get_fvcom_date_indices(fvcom_reader, dates): """ Get FVCOM date indices """ if not has_pyfvcom: raise RuntimeError('Please install PyFVCOM to use `pylag.fvcom.get_fvcom_date_indices`.') return [fvcom_reader.time.datetime.tolist().index(date) for date in dates] def get_fvcom_var(fvcom_reader, fvcom_var_name, time_index, depth_integrated=True): """ Extract data for the given variable at the given time index """ if not has_pyfvcom: raise RuntimeError('Please install PyFVCOM to use `pylag.fvcom.get_fvcom_var`.') fvcom_reader.load_data([fvcom_var_name], dims={'time': [time_index]}) fvcom_tracer = getattr(, fvcom_var_name).squeeze() if not depth_integrated: return fvcom_tracer fvcom_reader.load_data(['zeta'], dims={'time': [time_index]}) zeta = h = fvcom_reader.grid.h siglev = fvcom_reader.grid.siglev # For comparison in 2D, compute the depth integral dz = np.abs(np.diff(siglev, axis=0)) * (zeta + h) return np.sum(dz * fvcom_tracer, axis=0) __all__ = ["get_rmse"]