Source code for pylag.processing.ensemble

Tools to assist with processing the results of ensemble simulations

from __future__ import division, print_function

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

from pylag.processing.ncview import Viewer

have_pyqt_fit = True
    from pyqt_fit import kde, kde_methods, kernels
except ImportError:
    have_pyqt_fit = False

[docs]def get_probability_density_1D(file_names, dates, depths, depth_bnds, pylag_time_rounding): """Compute the ensemble mean concentration in 1D Particle concentrations are computed on the dates and at the depth levels given in the arrays `dates` and `depth`. Each member of the ensemble is a separate realisation, with particles starting at the sames locations and at the same time in each run. A different method should be used to compute probability densities for ensembles in which particles are released at different times. To compute particle concentrations a gaussian kernel density estimator is used. Boundaries are treated as being reflecting, thus there is no loss of density. Parameters --------- file_names : list[str] List of sorted PyLag output files. Each output file corresponds to one member of the ensemble. dates : 1D NumPy array ([t], datetime) Dates on which to compute the ensemble mean concentration. depths : 2D Numpy array ([t, z], float) Depths at which to compute the ensemble mean concentration. The array is 2D, since it may be desirable to have the depths at which concentrations are calculated vary in time (e.g. if the model has a moving free surface). NB dates.shape[0] must equal depths.shape[0]. depths_bnds : 2D Numpy array ([t, 2], float) These are the lower and upper depth bands which are required by the kernel method. pylag_time_rounding : int The number of seconds PyLag outputs should be rounded to. Returns ------- conc : 2D Numpy array (float) The concentration at the specified times and depths """ # Function requires pyqt_fit. First check that it is installed if not have_pyqt_fit: raise RuntimeError("PyQt-fit was not found within this python distribution. Please see PyLag's documentation " "for more information.") if dates.shape[0] != depths.shape[0]: raise ValueError('Array lengths do not match') # Array sizes n_trials = len(file_names) n_times = dates.shape[0] n_zlevs = depths.shape[1] # Use kernel method to estimate density dens = np.empty((n_trials, n_times, n_zlevs), dtype=float) for i, file_name in enumerate(file_names): viewer = Viewer(file_name, time_rounding=pylag_time_rounding) # Establish the indices of the time points we want to work with time_indices = [ for date in dates] for j, t_idx in enumerate(time_indices): zmin = depth_bnds[j, 0] zmax = depth_bnds[j, 1] est = kde.KDE1D(viewer('z')[t_idx, :].squeeze(), lower=zmin, upper=zmax, method=kde_methods.reflection, kernel=kernels.normal_kernel1d()) dens[i, j, :] = est(depths[j, :]) return np.mean(dens, axis=0)
[docs]def get_probability_density_2D(file_names, time_deltas, x_points, y_points, pylag_time_rounding, group_id=None): """Compute the probability density in 2D Probability densities are computed at the x and y points provided, and at time time points after the start of the simulation, as listed in the `time_deltas` array. Each member of the ensemble is a separate realisation. Typically, particles will have been released from the same points in space in each simulation. Particles may or may not have been released at different times. To compute the probability density a gaussian kernel density estimator is used. Parameters ---------- file_names : list[str] List of sorted PyLag output files. Each output file corresponds to one member of the ensemble. time_deltas : 1D NumPy array, timedelta Time deltas corresponding to times after the start of each ensemble simulation at which the probability density should be computed. For example, if time_deltas = [1 (day), 2 (days)], then the probability density will be computed one and two days after the start of each simulation. NB - it is important that data has been saved at the specified time point. If it hasn't, an index error will be thrown. For example, if the data has been saved at 15 minute time intervals, and time_delta = 30 minutes, there should be no problems. However, if time_delta = 40 minutes, which cannot be divided exactly by 15, an error will be generated. x_points : 1D NumPy array, float x points at which to compute the ensemble mean concentration. y_points : 1D NumPy array, float y points at which to compute the ensemble mean concentration. pylag_time_rounding : int The number of seconds PyLag outputs should be rounded to. group_id : int, optional Calculate the probability density for a single group. Returns ------- dens: 2D Numpy array (float) The concentration at the specified times and x/y positions. """ if len(x_points.shape) != 1 or len(y_points.shape) != 1: raise ValueError('x and y input arrays should be 1D') if x_points.shape[0] != y_points.shape[0]: raise ValueError('x and y input arrays should be the same length') # Array sizes n_trials = len(file_names) n_times = time_deltas.shape[0] n_points = x_points.shape[0] # Positions at which to estimate the particle density positions = np.vstack([x_points, y_points]) # Use a kernel method to estimate the density dens = np.zeros((n_trials, n_times, n_points), dtype=float) for i, file_name in enumerate(file_names): viewer = Viewer(file_name, time_rounding=pylag_time_rounding) ref_date =[0] dates = [ref_date + time_delta for time_delta in time_deltas] time_indices = [ for date in dates] if group_id is not None: group_indices = np.where(viewer('group_id')[:] == group_id)[0] for j, t_idx in enumerate(time_indices): xpos = viewer('xpos')[t_idx, group_indices].squeeze() ypos = viewer('ypos')[t_idx, group_indices].squeeze() values = np.vstack([xpos, ypos]) kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(values) dens[i, j, :] = kernel(positions) else: for j, t_idx in enumerate(time_indices): xpos = viewer('xpos')[t_idx, :].squeeze() ypos = viewer('ypos')[t_idx, :].squeeze() values = np.vstack([xpos, ypos]) kernel = stats.gaussian_kde(values) dens[i, j, :] = kernel(positions) return np.mean(dens, axis=0)